(Click on picture to enlarge)

1. A Fabergé jewelled, silver-mounted ceramic cup
Marked with Imperial warrant
Moscow 1899-1908, 91 standard, scratched inventory number 21810
The bombé earthenware pot with mottled blue glaze, the rim mount-set with vari-coloured cabochons within stylized foliate mounts and beads on a matte ground.
Diameter: 2 7/8 in (7.2 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 63 (ill.)

2. A Fabergé rhodonite elephant
In a seated position, with gold-mounted cabochon ruby eyes.
A similar bowenite carving of a seated elephant is in the Woolf Family Collection (see Fabergé. A Private Collection, Wartski, 2012, cat. 69).
Height : 1 ½ in (4 cm.)

3. A Fabergé gold-mounted agate bonbonnière
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: Mikhail Perkhin, scratched inventory number 5576
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
A gold-mounted agate box carved of octagonal section with tapering sides, the hinged rim mounted in gold and chased with a running laurel band.
Height: 1 5/8 in (3.3 cm)
Provenance: Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna (1875-1960), eldest sister of Tsar Nicholas II, purchased from Fabergé on August 2nd 1902. The entry reads: bonbonnière octogonale, agate, LXVI, 5576, 45 roubles; Sotheby’s, Geneva, May 16, 1991 (lot 208)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 64 (ill.)

4. A set of eight Fabergé silver egg-cups
Signed Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: Julius Rappoport
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917
Each of goblet form, on a spreading and slightly domed foot, the body applied with an oval cartouche with ribbon-tied reeded and acanthus border issuing berried laurel sprays, inclosing Cyrillic initials 'FYu', the rim with a reeded band and laurel, gilt interior.
Height: each 2 in (5.1 cm)
Weight: 11.54 oz (359.0 gr.) (8)

5. A Fabergé jewelled parcel-gilt silver kovsh
Marked K. Fabergé and with double-headed eagle
Workmaster: Julius Rappoport
St.Petersburg, before 1899
Rectangular, the gilt handle modelled as a stylised duck's head with gem-set eyes, with similarly gem-set gilt band extending around the rim and raised prow, the base set with a silver rouble of Peter the Great and one rouble coin dated 1724 under base.
Length: 4 in (10 cm)
Provenance: Christie's, New York, 21 October 2003, lot 148
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 69 (ill.)

6. A pair of Fabergé silver candelabra
Signed Fabergé in Cyrillic and with separate Imperial warrant
Workmaster: Julius Rappoport, scratched inventory number 6662
Moscow, 1899-1908, assay master Ivan Lebedkin
Each of traditional Louis XVI two-light design, on stepped circular bases with gadroon and husk bands and flaming torchère centers, and with detachable fluted nozzles.
Height: 8 ¼ in. (21.5 cm)
Weight: 7121 grs
For a similar pair of Louis XVI two-light candelabra, by Rappoport in the Cleveland Museum of Art, see Géza von Habsburg, Fabergé in America, 1996, cat. 72

7. A Fabergé enamelled silver vodka cup
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic and with separate Imperial warrant
Workmaster: ICA for First Silver Artel, 88 standard, scratched inventory number 19514
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917
Of bombé shape, enamelled with the Russian Imperial naval ensign, gilt interior.
Height: 1 7/8in (4.7 cm)

8. A Fabergé gold vesta case
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: August Holmström, scratched inventory number 6549
St. Petersburg, before 1899, 56 standard
The rectangular reeded body with sloping hinged lid and with cabochon ruby and rose-cut diamond push-piece, striker section to base.
Height: 1 1/2 in (4.6 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 47 (ill.)

9. A Fabergé jewelled gold cigarette case
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: August Holmström
St. Petersburg, before 1899, 56 standard
A reeded, red gold cigarette case, its sunburst pattern radiating from a diamond in the lower left corner, cabochon ruby push-piece.
Size: 3 1/16 x 3 7/16 in (7.8 x 8.89 cm)
Weight: 150 grams
Provenance: Confiscated from Fabergé’s Moscow shop by the Soviet Government in 1918.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 53 (ill.)

10. A Fabergé Imperial presentation gold cigarette case
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: August Hollming, scratched inventory number 12858
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
Rectangular with rounded corners, diagonally reeded overall, the hinged cover applied with crowned monogram Cyrillic NM, with cabochon sapphire thumb-piece, integral match compartment with strike, and tinder cord attachment.
The initials are those of Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich (1859-1919).
Provenance: Grand Duke Michael was the youngest son of Tsar Alexander III, brother to Nicholas II and was heir-presumptive until 12 August 1904, the birth of Tsarevich Alexei to Nicholas and Alexandra. Michael again became second-in-line to the throne, but was named as Co-Regent for the boy, along with Alexandra, in the event of Nicholas’s death. When Nicholas abdicated on 15 March 1917, Michael was named as his heir, but he deferred acceptance of the throne until ratification by an elected assembly. He was never confirmed as Tsar, and following the Russian Revolution of 1917, he was imprisoned and murdered.
Length: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm)
Weight: 7 oz (218 gr.) gross
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 52 (ill.)

11. A Fabergé gold cigar case
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: August Hollming
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
Fitted brown leather case stamped with gilt crown
Ribbed overall horizontally and with cabochon sapphire push-piece.
Length: 4 15/16 in (12.5 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 49 (ill.)

12. A Fabergé jewelled gold pill-box
Stamped K. Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: AR for Anna Ringe
St. Petersburg, 1898-1908, 56 standard, assay-master AR for Alexander Richter
Of ribbed cylindrical form, with hinged lid, each end set with a pink-foiled blue chalcedony cabochon within a border of rose-cut diamonds, with rose-cut diamond-set thumb-piece.
Length: 2 1/8 in (5.4 cm)
Provenance: Lynette G. Proler
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 50 (ill.)

13. A Fabergé jewelled gold scent bottle
Workmaster: Erik Kollin, scratched inventory number 46009
St. Petersburg, before 1899
Ovoid, hammered overall, the body applied with a stylised flower set with seed-pearls, cabochon sapphires, a ruby, and rose-cut diamonds, screw-on top.
Height: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 46 (ill.)

14. A Fabergé gold vesta case
Marked Cyrillic KF for Karl Fabergé
Moscow, 1896-1908, 56 gold standard, scratched inventory number 81141
A reeded gold match-case, its sunburst pattern radiating from a cabochon ruby push-piece.
Size: 1 11/16 in (4.3 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 51 (ill.)

15. A Fabergé gold card-case
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: August Hollming
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
Rectangular with rounded corners, the body and hinged cover engine-turned with alternating vertical rose and green gold bands, with cabochon sapphire thumb-piece.
Length: 3 in (7.2 cm)
Weight: 2.38 oz (74.1 gr) gross
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 48 (ill.)

16. A Fabergé jewelled gold ladies' wristwatch
Workmaster: August Hollming
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917
Original fitted case stamped with Imperial warrant
The circular white enamel face within a ruby and rose-cut diamond-set bezel, the bracelet of rectangular links.
Length: 7 in (17.5 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014
For similar ladies’ wristwatches see Géza von Habsburg, Fabergé/ Cartier, Rivalen am Zarenhof, 2003, cat. 230 (Russian National Museum, Moscow); Fabergé Imperial Craftsman and his World , 2000, cat. 655 (Private Collection, Paris)

17. A Fabergé diamond-set gold brooch
Workmaster: August Hollming
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908, 56 standard
Formed as a swirling gold floral stem, the bloom set with three diamonds.
Width: 1 1/4 in (3. 1 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 35 (ill.)

18. A Fabergé diamond-set gold lily of the valley spray brooch
Workmaster: Oscar Pihl
Moscow, before 1899
Original fitted wood case stamped with the Imperial warrant K. Fabergé
The diamond and gold lily of the valley spray brooch suspends six articulated blossoms and terminates in a diamond.
Length: 5 ¼ in (5.7 cm)
For a very similar brooch by Oscar Pihl in an original blue velvet case, see Tampere Museum, The Era of Fabergé, 2006, no 96, p 167.
Pihl apprenticed in the workshop of August Holmström in St. Petersburg qualifying as a master in 1887. At the recommendation of Holmström, Pihl, his future son-in-law, was sent in 1887 to head up the jewellery workshop in Moscow and remained there until his death in 1897. Two of his children, Alma and Oskar, followed in his father's profession.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 36 (ill.)

19. A Fabergé Imperial presentation sapphire, diamond and gold tie pin
Workmaster: Henrik Wigström
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917, 56 standard
Original fitted red Morocco presentation case stamped with gilded Imperial eagle
A Fabergé Imperial sapphire and diamond tie pin with the crowned cipher MA of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, the M in burnished gold, the A set with diamonds, the Imperial crown with two cabochon sapphires.
Length: 3 ¼ in (8.2 cm)
Provenance: refer to item no. 10.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 34 (ill.)

20. A Russian jewelled silver- and gold-mounted brooch
Workmaster: Cyrillic A.G.
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917, 56 standard
A lobed oval gold-mounted silver brooch with a central sapphire of approximately 11.25 cts., set throughout with old-mine and rose-cut diamonds.
Size: 1 1/8 in x 1 9/16 in (3 x 4 cm)
Andrei Gorianov, whose wares Fabergé sometimes retailed, signed with the same Cyrillic initials, but was specialized in small gold-mounted objects. He took over the workshop of Wilhelm Reimer in 1898.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 38 (ill.)

21. A Fabergé diamond-set platinum Easter egg
Workmaster: Feodor Afanassiev
The front inset with a brilliant-cut oval diamond and with three bands of rose-cut diamonds and diamond-set loop.
Height 1 1/8 in (2.9 cm) including loop
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 27 (ill.)

22. A Fabergé gold-mounted emerald commemorative Easter egg
Marked Cyrillic KF for Karl Fabergé
The body formed of two half-pear-shaped cabochon cut emeralds conjoined by a gold openwork band with the date 1898, with foliate trim and with fluted petal motif cup setting.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 27 (ill.)

23. A Fabergé gold and silver miniature Easter egg
Workmaster: Erik Kollin
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
The plain silver body applied with a gold anchor.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 25 (ill.)
24. A Fabergé jewelled gold miniature Easter egg
Signed Cyrillic KF for Karl Fabergé
The horizontally-ribbed gold body applied with a floral spray set with rubies and diamonds.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 26 (ill.)

26. A Fabergé jewelled gold bracelet
Marked KF in Cyrillic
Moscow, 1908-1917, 56 standard
Original pale blue enamel velvet box impressed with monogram MG and stamped with Imperial warrant, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Odessa
Each oval section formed as a coiled snake with jewel-mounted link set with alternating diamond, sapphire and rubies at intervals representing the colours of the Russian flag (the tricolour of the Pan-Slavic colours of white, blue and red).
Length: 7 1/2 in (19 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 42 (ill.)

27. A pair of jewelled and enamelled gold cufflinks
Fitted red leather case stamped Armour-Winston Ltd.
Circular, each applied with an Imperial double-headed eagle centred with a ruby, against bright green sunburst guilloché enamel ground, within twisted ropework borders and similar cross-bars.

28. A Russian commemorative jewelled gold and silver brooch
The 1896 numeric brooch is set with circular and cushion-shaped, open-backed old mine diamonds mounted in yellow gold, highlighted in platinum.
Two events dominated the year 1896: one was the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II and his consort Alexandra Feodorovna, the other was the All Russia Industrial and Art Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, also visited by the Imperial couple.
Length: 2 in (4 cm)

29. A Fabergé jewelled platinum-mounted pendant with original chain
Original fitted case stamped with Imperial warrant, Petersburg, Moscow, London
Russian platinum jewellery is generally unmarked.
The sapphire pendant suspended by a chain of six rose-cut diamond, in turn suspended from a trapeze shaped diamond panel centred with a sapphire and from the original diamond-set chain.
Height of pendant: 1 5/8 in (4 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 41 (ill.)

30. A Fabergé jewelled and enamelled gold tie-pin
Workmaster: August Hollming, scratched inventory number 89416
The terminal formed as triangle, centring on a rose gold bezel-set cabochon sapphire, flanked by two rose-cut diamonds.
Length: 3 1/8 in (8 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 33 (ill.)

31. A Fabergé Imperial presentation jewelled and enamelled gold brooch
Workmaster: August Hollming, scratched inventory number 32800
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917, 56 standard
Rectangular with chamfered corners, centred with a step-cut Siberian amethyst, the frame of openwork chased laurel issuing from four circular-cut diamonds within white line borders.
Width: 1 3/4 in (4.5 cm)
Provenance: Purchased for 115 roubles by the Imperial Cabinet for Empress Maria Feodorovna’s trip to Denmark and Norway in 1908.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 40 (ill.)

32. A Fabergé jewelled silver and gold-mounted brooch
Marked KF in Cyrillic, scratched inventory number 4107
Moscow, 1899-1908, 56 standard, assay master Ivan Lebedkin
Square, the centre applied with an old-cut diamond within a calibré emerald-set gold band, framed by openwork gold scrolling foliage set with four old-cut diamonds and square-cut emeralds, all within diamond-set border.
Width: 7/8 in (2.3 cm)
Provenance: Purchased by the family of the past owner in Russia circa 1900.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 39 (ill.)

33. A Fabergé gem-set gold Imperial presentation tie-pin
Workmaster: Alfred Thielemann, scratched inventory number 2293
Original red Morocco presentation case stamped with gilt Imperial eagle
The pin surmounted by a chased gold crowned Imperial Eagle set with a cabochon sapphire.
Length: 3 in (7.9 cm)
Provenance: Presented by the Tsar to Edmund Charles Walker, Head Stud Groom at Sandringham in the late 1800s and trainer of Persimmon, Edward VII's legendary thoroughbred. Thence by descent until purchased by present owner.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 30 (ill.)

34. A Fabergé diamond-set platinum pendant
Unmarked, scratched inventory number 91710
A circular diamond and platinum pendant, the outer border formed of Classical key pattern, enclosing a suspended wreath with a pendant single diamond.
Diameter: 1 ¼ in (3.2 cm)
Russian Platinum jewellery is very rarely marked.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 40 (ill.)

35. A Fabergé sapphire and gold tie pin
Workmaster: AR for Anna Ringe, scratched inventory number 8895
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908, assay-master Alexander Richter
A gold tie-pin of double scroll design set with a sapphire and with gold pin.
Length: 2 ¾ in (7 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 31 (ill.)

36. A Fabergé gold-mounted and enamelled Karelian birchwood egg pendant
Marked Cyrillic KF for Karl Fabergé
56 Standard
A gold-mounted birchwood egg opening at the cabochon push-piece to reveal a gold strawberry-red enamelled coin of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna.
Height: 1 in (2.5 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 28 (ill.)

37. A Fabergé gold-mounted turquoise hat-pin
Marked KF in Cyrillic
The elongated ovoid shaped turquoise finial inscribed in gold Arabic script set into a fluted gold mount.
Length: 7 ¼ in (8.4 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, (ill.29)
38. A Russian enamelled gold tie-pin
The finial shaped as an egg with Cyrillic letters XB for “Christ is Risen” on red guilloché ground.
Length: 3 1/3 in (8.3 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 32 (ill.)

39. A Fabergé pair of jewelled and enamelled gold cuff-links
Workmaster: August Hollming, scratched inventory number 82324
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
Each pair with two circular terminals, enamelled with translucent mauve on sunburst guilloché ground, with an applied green gold laurel spray with silver-mounted rose-cut diamond accent, connected by a link. Marked on the links.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 58 (ill.)

40. A Fabergé enamelled silver brooch
The Louis XV-style scroll-shaped brooch enclosing trellis work with rosettes at intervals, against a salmon-coloured guilloché enamel ground.
Width: 1 ½ in (3.7 cm)
Provenance: Olga Armfelt, wife of Fabergé workmaster Hjalmar Armfelt, thence by descent.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 57 (ill.)

41. A Fabergé jewelled and enamelled gold locket
Workmaster: Feodor Afanassiev
St. Petersburg, 1908 – 1917, 56 standard
In fitted case stamped Wartski
Oval, the front applied with a rose-cut diamond-set pannier of flowers on a ground of gold and opaque white enamel stripes, diamond-set border and suspension loop, the interior fitted for two photographs.
Height: 1 5/8 in (4 cm) including loop
This style of striped opaque white enamel (émail Pékin), was adopted by Fabergé after the first exhibition of Cartier in St. Petersburg in 1910 (Géza von Habsburg, Fabergé/Cartier Rivalen am Zarenhof, 2003, cat. 128, 129, 141; 743, 779, 816).
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 60 (ill.)

42. A jewelled gold-mounted hardstone pendant
A pear-shaped gold-mounted cabochon chalcedony pendant suspended from a diamond-set bow.
Height: 1 ½ in (4 cm.)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 44 (ill.)

43. A Fabergé Imperial jewelled, silver-gilt and enamelled miniature bratina
Marked K. Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: Antii Nevalainen, scratched inventory number 6711
St. Petersburg, 1899-1903, 88 standard
Enameled in translucent apple-green over wavy engine-turned base and inset with four half-rouble silver coins of Elizabeth I and Catherine II, the rim set with four cabochon garnets with shaded cloisonné enamel leaves at intervals on a stippled ground.
Height: 3/8 in (6 cm)
Provenance: The object was a joint purchase by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, each invoiced by the firm of Fabergé on the 20th December 1900 for half the total purchase price of 80 rubles. It is known that such shared purchases by their Imperial Highnesses were usually intended as gifts for their mother, Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 71 (ill.)

44. A Fabergé jeweled and enamelled miniature frame
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: Viktor Aarne, scratched inventory number 5973
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908, 56 standard
Of shaped rectangular form with arched top, the oval aperture within a rose-cut diamond-set border on a ground of translucent yellow enamel over sunburst engine-turning, the corners set with larger diamonds hung with four-colour gold floral swags, ribbon tie surmount, toupee feet, the mother-of-pearl back with gilt-metal scroll strut.
Height: 2 1/8 in (5.4 cm)
Provenance: Alexandra Pistohlkors (1888-1986)
Alexandra Pistohlkors was married morganatically to Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich. Her sister, Anna Vyrubova, was lady-in-waiting and close confidante of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Alexandra’s husband, Alexander Erikovich Pistohlkors, was the stepson of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich. Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna was godmother to the Pistohlkor’s eldest daughter, Tatiana, born in 1910.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 73 (ill.)

45. A Fabergé enamelled gold and silver belt-buckle
Marked KF and Fabergé’s Imperial warrant
Moscow, 1899-1908, 56 and 88 standards, scratched inventory number 30320
Fitted wooden case stamped Lacloche Frères
Oval, the surface of translucent raspberry enamel over wavy diaper engine-turning, chased leaf borders.
Length: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm)
The stock of Fabergé in London was taken over by Lacloche after the firm’s closure in 1915.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 65 (ill.)

46. A Fabergé enamelled gold commemorative pendant
Workmaster: Henrik Wigström (indistinct)
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917 (indistinct)
A gold egg-shaped pendant, one side enamelled in opalescent white over a sunburst guilloché ground, applied with the crossed Russian Imperial and English flags.
Commemorating the visit of the Imperial family on board the Standart to Cowes in August 1909 (see Alexander Spiridovitch, Les Dernières Années de la Cour de Tsarskoie Selo, Volume I, Chapter 16, 1909 (translated from the French by Rob Mosheim)).
The attribution to Henrik Wigström and the date of its hallmark is borne out by the date of the visit.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 59 (ill.)

47. A Fabergé gem-set and enamelled parcel-gilt tcharka
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: Antii Nevalainen
St. Petersburg, 1899-1904
Cylindrical, on a slightly spreading reeded foot, the body designed to simulate a glass in a glass-holder and enamelled in translucent pale blue over wavy guilloché ground, the lower section chased with dot-and-line vertical panels and enamelled in translucent blue below a dot-and-line band terminating in a cabochon moonstone, the handle shaped as two entwining snakes, marked under base and on handle.
Height: 1 5/8 in (4.1 cm)
For a similar cup in yellow and white enamel by Nevalainen, see Christie’s, New York 19 April 1990, lot no 231.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 55 (ill.)

48. A Fabergé enamelled gold-mounted leather carnet-de-bal and pencil
Workmaster: Henrik Wigström
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
Original fitted case stamped with Imperial warrant, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Odessa
The cover of white moiré guilloché enamel, with chased gold palm-leaf border, the reeded gold pencil with cabochon moonstone finial.
Height: 3¼in (8.3 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 45 (ill.)

49. A Fabergé jewelled and enamelled gold locket and chain
Workmaster: August Hollming, scratched inventory number 66442
St. Petersburg, 1899-1904, 56 and 84 standards
The circular locket enamelled in translucent green over sunburst engine-turning issuing from an off-center rose-cut diamond, the interior fitted for two photographs, the long chain interspersed with green enamel balls.
Diameter: 7/8in (2 cm). Length of chain: 29 1.2 in (76 cm)

50. A Fabergé enamelled silver-gilt vide-poches
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: Feodor Afanassiev, scratched inventory number 19158
St. Petersburg, 1908-1917
Rectangular, enamelled with the flag of St. Andrew in blue over white translucent guilloché ground, within a beaded border.
Length: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 70 (ill.)
For a clock of similar design by workmaster Hjalmar Armfelt, see Géza von Habsburg, Fabergé, Imperial Craftsman and his World, 2000, cat. 718; a frame of similar design by workmaster Antii Nevalainen is in the Virginia Museum of Arts, see Géza von Habsburg, Fabergé in America, 1996, cat. 136

51. A Fabergé enamelled silver kovsh
Marked K. Fabergé in Cyrillic and with separate Imperial warrant
Workmaster: Antii Nevalainen, scratched inventory number 5962
1899-1908, 88 standard
The underside of the circular bowl and the top of the gadrooned hook handle enameled in translucent strawberry red over banded engine-turned waves.
Length: 3 5/8 in (9.3 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 68 (ill.)

52. A Fabergé enamelled gold frame
Marked KF in Cyrillic
Moscow, before 1899, scratched inventory number 13738
Of lozenge form, the surface of translucent pale purple enamel over engine-turned sunburst rays within a gold-dotted white opaque border. The oval aperture contains a miniature portrait of an officer painted on ivory. With ivory back and gold scroll strut.
Height: 4 1/8 in (10.3 cm)
Provenance: Frederick Glyn, 4th Baron Wolverton (1864-1932), grandfather of the 7th Earl of Clarendon (his miniature).
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 72 (ill.)

53. A Fabergé enamelled gold perfume bottle
Marked HW and KF juxtaposed inside cover
Fitted purple velvet case stamped Wartski
The ovoid body enamelled in translucent pale blue over a wavy guilloché ground, applied with chased laurel swags, the spherical hinged cover with pearl finial.
Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) high
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 67 (ill.)

54. A Fabergé jewelled and enamelled gold brooch
Workmaster: Alfred Thieleman
St. Petersburg, 1908-1817
Original fitted holly-wood case stamped K. Fabergé
Of oval shape, with ribbon-tied reeded border, of opalescent translucent rose enamel over a waved sunray guilloché ground, mounted with a central faceted citrine.
Length: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm)
Provenance: From the Estate of Frances H. Jones
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 55 (ill.)

55. A Fabergé enamelled gold pendant locket
Workmaster: Mikhail Perkhin, scratched inventory number 5296
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
Original fitted case stamped in green with Imperial warrant K. Fabergé, St. Petersburg, Moscow
An oval gold-mounted guilloché enamel pendant-locket in the Louis XV style, formed of two sliding sections, the cover with chased gold rocaille enclosing a salmon-coloured panel of sunburst translucent enamel, the other plain gold, with applied monogram MAF.
Length: 2 ¼ in (5.7 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 54 (ill.)

56. A Fabergé jewelled and enamelled gold pendant
Marked Fabergé in Cyrillic
Workmaster: Henrik Wigström, scratched inventory number 9578
St. Petersburg, 1899-1908
Fitted red leather case stamped Wartski
The heart-shaped pendant enamelled in translucent salmon-pink over a sunburst guilloché ground, centering on a moonstone encircled by a laurel wreath and pierced by a diamond-set arrow, beneath two diamond-set flowerheads, within a leaf-chased border.
Height: 2 3/8 in (6 cm) overall
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 56 (ill.)

57. A pair of Fabergé enamelled gold and hardstone cuff-links
Workmaster: Andrei Gorianov, scratched inventory number 69433
The gold mounts with black enamel Greek key-pattern borders, each set with a cabochon chalcedony stone.

58. A Fabergé enamelled and jewelled gold and rock-crystal cane-handle
Workmaster: Mikhail Perkhin, scratched inventory number 5537
St. Petersburg, before 1899, 56 standard
The tapering frosted and etched rock crystal handle mounted in a wide gold guilloché enamel collar of interlocking emerald green and opalescent white palmettes within rose-cut diamond borders.
Height: 3 5/8 in (9.3 cm)
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 62(ill.)

59. A Fabergé gold-mounted and enamelled bowenite parasol-handle
Workmaster: early hallmark of Mikhail Perkhin
St. Petersburg, before 1899, 56 standard
Fitted blue leather case with crown, stamped Gustave Sandoz, 147-148 Palais Royal, Paris
The ribbed handle of tapering fluted form with chased gold palm-leaf borders and strawberry red guilloché enamel collar.
Length: 3 ¼ in (8.3 cm)
Gustave-Roger Sandoz, of Gustave Sandoz, Horloger de la Marine, had premises at 147, Palais Royal in Paris. He also specialized in jewellery and gem-set pieces.
Exhibition catalogue: Fabergé at Harrods, April 1-21, 2014, cat. 61 (ill.)

60. A Theo Fabergé gilt metal and turned wooden egg
Provenance: Presented by Theo Fabergé to a former Mayor of Kingston Upon Thames.
Theo Fabergé, a grandson of Peter Carl Fabergé, was a precision engineer, creator, designer and inventor who excelled at ornamental turning. He was awarded the Lady Gertrude Crawford medal for ornamental turning by the Worshipful Company of Turners of London, was elected a Freeman Prizeman and on his 80th birthday, was granted Honorary Liverydom as a virtuoso turner.